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The three lions

In the jungle lived three lions. One day the monkey, the representative elected by the animals, called a meeting to ask them for a decision.

We all know that the lion is the king of the animals, but for a big doubt in the jungle: there are 3 lions and the 3 are very strong.

The three lions

To which of them should we obey? Which of them should be our King?

The lions learned of the meeting and commented among themselves: It's true, the concern of the animals makes a lot of sense. A jungle cannot have 3 kings. We do not want to fight among ourselves because we are very good friends...

We need to know who will be the chosen one, but, how to find out? Once again the animals gathered and after much deliberation, they reached a decision and communicated it to the 3 lions:

- We have found a very simple solution to the problem, and we have decided that you 3 are going to climb Mount Difficult. The one who reaches the top first will be consecrated our King.

Mount Difficult was the highest of all the jungle. The challenge was accepted and all the animals gathered to witness the great climb.

The first lion tried to climb and could not reach it. The second one started with all the desire, but, was also defeated. The third lion also could not do it and came down defeated. The animals were impatient and curious; if the 3 were defeated, how would they elect a king?

At this moment, an eagle, great in age and in wisdom, asked for the word:

- I know who should be the king!

All the animals were silent and looked at her with great expectation.

- How?, Asked everyone.

- It's simple… said the eagle. I was flying very close to them and when they returned defeated in their climb up Mount Difficult I heard what each one said to the Mountain.

- The first lion said: – Mountain, you have defeated me!

- The second lion said: – Mountain, you have defeated me!

- The third lion said: – Mountain, you have defeated me, for now! But you have already reached your final size and I am still growing.

The difference, completed the eagle, is that the third lion had a winning attitude when he felt the defeat at that moment, but he did not give up and whoever thinks like that, his person is greater than his problem: he is the king of himself, he is prepared to be king of the others.

The animals enthusiastically applauded the third lion who was crowned The King of the animals.


It doesn't matter much the size of the difficulties or situations that you have. Your problems, at least in most cases, have already reached the maximum level, but not you. You are still growing and you are bigger than all your problems together. You have not yet reached the limit of your potential and your excellence. The Mountain of Difficulties has a fixed, limited size. You are still growing!


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