Sígueme en español en EL ARTE DE LA ESTRATEGIA


The warmth of the heart

Engel, a Jewish owner of the most famous bakery in Germany, used to say: "Do you know why I'm alive today?

I was only a teenager when the Nazis in Germany mercilessly killed the Jews. The Nazis took us by train to Auschwitz.

The warmth of the heart

At night it was mortally cold in the compartment. We stayed many days in the wagons without food, without beds and, therefore, without a way to keep warm. It was snowing everywhere. The cold wind froze our cheeks every second. We were hundreds of people in those cold and horrible nights. Without food, without water, without shelter. The blood froze in our veins. Next to me was an elderly Jewish man very dear in my city.

He was all trembling and had a terrible look. I surrounded him with my arms to keep him warm. I hugged him tight to give him a little heat. I massaged his arms, legs, face, neck. I begged him to stay alive. I encouraged him. In this way, I kept the man warm all night. I myself was tired and cold. My fingers were stiff, but I did not stop massaging the body of this man to warm him up.

Many hours passed like this. Finally, the morning came, the sun began to shine. I looked around to see other people. To my horror, all I could see were frozen corpses. All I could hear was the silence of death. The icy night had killed them all. They had died frozen. Only two people survived: the old man and I. The old man survived because I kept him warm, and I survived because I kept him warm.

Let me tell you the secret to surviving in this world? When you warm the hearts of others, you too will be comforted. When you support, strengthen and inspire others, you too will be supported, strengthened and inspired in your life.

And you, what do you think?


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