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35 things you will regret when you are old

In life, we all make mistakes and have missed opportunities that we regret when we are older.

In this list, 35 things that we may regret when we are old are presented, such as not having traveled enough, not having learned another language, staying in a bad relationship, not having taken care of our health, not having pursued our dreams, among others.

35 things you will regret when you are old

1. Not having traveled when you had the opportunity. Traveling becomes increasingly difficult as you age, as having a family of 3 or more people is more complicated than supporting yourself alone.

2. Not having learned another language. You will regret it when you remember that you spent more than 4 years learning English in school and you don't remember anything.

3. Staying in a bad relationship. Remember that "if you decide to be in an unhappy relationship, you have decided to be unhappy." Believe me, no one who has left a bad relationship in the past has turned around without saying that they would have liked to leave earlier.

4. Forgetting to put on sunscreen. Wrinkles, moles, skin cancer are some of the conditions that can be avoided if you take care of yourself.

5. Missing the opportunity to go to concerts of your favorite singers.

6. Being afraid to do things. You will always look back at the past and say: "Why was I so afraid of that?"

7. Not making "exercise" a priority. Many people will reach the physical peak of their life lying on a couch. When you reach your 40s, 50s and beyond, you will regret having done nothing instead of having taken care of yourself a little.

8. Letting yourself be defined by gender roles. There is nothing sadder than hearing you say: "it's just that in those days things weren't done like that." Dare to change the paradigms.

9. Not quitting the job you hate. Ok, we understand that you have to pay the bills, but if you don't have a plan to improve, you could wake up 40 years later living in a work hell.

10. Not having tried harder in school. It's not that grades make you more valuable, but someday, for some reason, you'll wish you had paid more attention in class.

11. Not realizing how handsome/beautiful you are. Many of us spend a lot of time lamenting not being so handsome and spend fortunes on improving something that doesn't seem right to us. In reality, we are beautiful all the time.

12. Being afraid to say "I LOVE YOU". When you are old, you will see that although your love was not reciprocated, you will always have wanted to express your feelings.

13. Not listening to your parents' advice. We know that when you're young, you don't even want to listen to them, but believe us, when you grow up, you'll wish you could at least hear their voice, even more so, a piece of advice. And the best thing is that everything they told you was true.

14. Giving too much importance to what people think of you. I swear to you that in 20 years you won't even remember what those people were saying about you and that mattered so much to you.

15. Supporting other people's dreams over your own. Yes, helping others is good, as long as you also give yourself the time and space to shine on your own and realize your own dreams.

16. Holding a grudge or resentment towards someone. That means letting someone live in your head rent-free. It's not worth it. What's the point of remembering and remembering the harm they've done to you? Let it go.

17. Not standing up for yourself. Older people don't let anyone do something to them that they don't want, you shouldn't either.

18. Not having done a volunteer activity. Believe me, helping someone voluntarily to make their life more pleasant is something you will never regret. It feels incredible.

19. Not taking care of your teeth. Brush, floss, consult your dentist regularly. When you are old and you are missing 3, 4 or more teeth, you will have wished to take better care of them.

20. Not asking your grandparents about life before losing them. They have already been where you are walking and are an immense source of wisdom. Don't miss the opportunity to love them before they leave.

21. Working too much. No one who is about to die has wished they had worked more or spent more time in the office. On the contrary, they wished they had spent more time with their family, friends, hobbies.

22. Not knowing how to cook at least one dish you like. Learn to cook, you'll thank yourself.

23. Not stopping to appreciate the moment. Yes, we know, young people are always very active, but stopping and admiring your surroundings is something good, do it.

24. Not finishing what you start.

25. Letting yourself be defined by cultural expectations. Never let anyone tell you: "we don't do that."

26. Not letting your friends make their own lives. Friendships grow apart. Everyone has their own life and must do what they consider best for them. Not letting them fulfill themselves is cause for problems and sadness. You don't want that.

27. Not playing more with your children. When you are older, you will see how your child went from "Daddy please let's play" to "Get out of my room dad."

28. Not taking risks, especially in love. Knowing that you dared to declare your love to someone, even if it was the biggest fiasco of your life, will be well seen by yourself when you are old. It applies to the things of daily life. In the end, you will remember it with a laugh.

29. Not taking the time to make contacts. You will always need them, always. So, better start making them.

30. Worrying too much about everything. If things have a solution, why worry?, and if they don't have a solution, why worry?

31. Making more drama than necessary. Why? No one needs it.

32. Not spending more time with your loved ones. The time we spend with the people we love is limited and will soon run out. Make it count and make the most of it.

33. Never having sung or spoken in front of an audience. Yes, it's very difficult, it sounds crazy. But daring to do it will give you an incredible boost of self-esteem. You can do it, even if you think otherwise. You will be pleasantly surprised.

34. Not having made love more times with your partner. Sex is the supreme act of happiness and ecstasy. Especially when it is done with the partner you love. Unfortunately, it has an expiration date. You will regret not having done it more often.

35. Not having been grateful in time. It's hard to see at first, but eventually it's clearer that every moment in this world, from the most mundane to the most incredible, is a gift that has been given to us and we are incredibly lucky to have received it.

It is important to reflect on these points and try to live our life in a full and regret-free way. Remember that life is short and we must take advantage of every moment to be happy and do what we are truly passionate about. Don't let fear or cultural expectations limit you, and live your life to the fullest. At the end of the day, what matters is that we can look back and feel satisfied with what we have achieved and the experiences we have lived.

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