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The rabbit's strategy

A popular tale from Venezuela where the strategy of the rabbit that was caught by a tiger and how he managed to escape is told.

On a lovely summer afternoon, a rabbit was resting peacefully, lying on the grass. Silently, a tiger approached him and with a roar, threatened him.

The rabbit's strategy

-You're mine, elusive rabbit! I've been trying to catch you for days and I finally have you! There was no escape! He had the tiger's jaws so close that he could even feel his fetid breath on his pink nose. The only possibility he had left was to take advantage of his own cunning.

– Wait a moment, wait a moment, Mr. Tiger! I have something very important to tell you.

– What do you want? I don't feel like talking, I feel like eating you in one bite!

The rabbit swallowed his saliva and faced him, disguising his fear.

-Have you seen me well? Don't you see how skinny and small I am?

– Yes, but I don't care! I'm going to eat you anyway, so don't resist!

– Well, you're wrong, because here where you see me, I'm the owner of several cows that are now grazing peacefully on top of the mountain that's just behind you. Their exquisite meat and if you spare my life, I can give you one. Thus, you'll have food for many days, I assure you!

– Is that true? You're not fooling me!…

– Of course not! We can go now to get it! Come with me and I'll show it to you!

The tiger was not very convinced, but he decided to follow the rabbit. When they arrived at the foot of the mountain, the rabbit continued with his convincing act.

– Do you see those black-colored lumps that can be seen on the top? They're my cows! Now wait here at the bottom. I'll go up alone and when I signal you, open your arms. I'll throw the cow and you'll catch it.

– All right, but hurry up, I'm starving.

The rabbit ran to the top of the mountain. The lumps were not cows but stones, but the tiger was so far away that he could only distinguish some large, brownish-colored moles. From above, the rabbit shouted at him.

– Cow's coming! Extend your arms to catch it well!

The rabbit rolled the stone down the slope and the tiger, blinded by the sun, did not realize what it was until he had it very close. When he realized, he ran like crazy in the opposite direction to the false cow that was chasing him at full speed. He barely managed to avoid being crushed and ending up as thin as a sheet of paper; he achieved it because just when he was about to be reached by the rock, he jumped to the left and fell face down on a puddle that cushioned his fall. Even so, his body creaked and shuddered with pain. He thought about returning to take revenge on the rabbit, but he had such a fright in his body that when he recovered a little from the blow, he went into the forest never to return there again.

Thus, the rabbit proved to himself that intelligence is more important than physical appearance. Many times, great minds are hidden in small bodies.


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