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The Lover

A few years after I was born, my father met a strange newcomer to our small town.

From the beginning, my father was fascinated with that charming newcomer and then invited her to live with us.

The Lover

The stranger accepted and, surprisingly, my mother did too!

As I grew up, in my young mind, she already had a very special place.

The Lover

My mother taught me what was good and what was bad and my father taught me to obey.

But the stranger was stronger, she enchanted us for hours talking about adventures and mysteries.

She always had answers to anything we wanted to know.

She knew everything about the past, the present, and even could predict the future!

The annoying thing was that we could not disagree with her.

She always had the last word!

She was the one who took my family to the first football game.

She made us laugh and cry.

The stranger almost never stopped talking,

but my father loved her.

My mother, who was even jealous,

told us to be quiet so we could listen to her.

Often she would take her to her room and lie down with her.

My mother did not like it, but she accepted it. Now I wonder if my mother ever prayed for her to leave.

My father ran our house with strong moral convictions,

but the stranger was not obliged to follow them.

Fights, bad words in our family were not allowed,

nor by our friends or anyone who visited us.

However, she used her inappropriate language, which sometimes burned my ears

and made my father and mother blush.

My father never gave us permission to drink alcohol and smoke,

but she encouraged us and said that it differentiated us in society.

She spoke freely (perhaps too much) about sex.

Now I know that my concepts of relationships were strongly influenced during my adolescence by her.

We often criticized her, but she did not care and did not want to leave our house. But we were also conspiring with all this situation.

More than fifty years have passed since the stranger came to our family.

Since then, she has changed a lot,

but she is still young, practical,

beautiful and elegant.

She is at home, quiet, waiting for someone to listen to her conversations or dedicate their free time to her company, to admire her.

Her name?


Now she has a husband called Computer and they had a son called Tablet and a grandson called Mobile.

The stranger now has a family...

And ours? Each one further away from the other...


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