Sígueme en español en EL ARTE DE LA ESTRATEGIA



Testosterone is a hormone that is produced in the testicles of men and in the ovaries of women, although in smaller amounts.

Testosterone is the hormone that regulates sexual desire. If we consider that women produce between 0.1 and 0.4 mg per day compared to men who produce between 5 and 7 mg per day, we will understand why women are more emotional and men are more sexual.


Usually, women focus on love and men on sexuality; of course, and as in everything, there are exceptions.

For this reason, the way to reach a woman's sexuality will be to give her many details of love, while the opposite will be necessary for a man to feel sexually satisfied to be born with the desire to love.

Of course, this is not a recipe, nor should it be an obligation, but knowing ourselves helps us to understand and satisfy each other.

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced in the testicles of men and in the ovaries of women, although in smaller amounts. This hormone has several functions in the body, but one of the most well-known is its relationship with sexual desire.

Men have higher levels of testosterone than women, which can explain why they tend to have a greater interest in sex. On the other hand, women tend to have higher levels of oxytocin, a hormone that is related to love and emotional connection.

Of course, this does not mean that all women are romantic and emotional and that all men are obsessed with sex. There are many exceptions, and each person is unique. But in general, we could say that women tend to value emotional connection and love in their relationships more, while men tend to give more importance to the sexual part.

For example, imagine that a couple is celebrating their anniversary. The woman might feel happier and more satisfied if her partner prepares a romantic dinner, gives her flowers, and says nice things to her. On the other hand, the man might feel more satisfied if his partner surprises him with a passionate sexual encounter.

But this does not mean that the woman does not want to have sex or that the man does not value emotional connection. Simply, each person has their own needs and priorities in a relationship, and it is important to understand and satisfy them mutually.

In short, testosterone is like the fuel for sexual desire, but love and emotional connection are also important for having a satisfying and lasting relationship. The important thing is to understand and satisfy each other in the way that they like and makes them happy the most.


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