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The Japanese method to lose weight

Did you know that there is a Japanese method to lose weight through breathing? It is a technique based on oxygenation of the body that helps burn fat and improve health. 

In this article we explain what it is and how you can practice it at home.

The Japanese method to lose weight
The Japanese method to lose weight
The Japanese method of losing weight through breathing was created by actor and singer Ryosuke Miki, who named it the "Long Breath Diet." According to Miki, this method allowed him to lose 13 kilos and 12 centimeters from his waist in just six weeks.

The idea is simple: breathe deeply for a few seconds and then exhale forcefully, contracting your abdominal muscles. In this way, the metabolism is stimulated, oxygen consumption is increased and the elimination of toxins and fats is promoted.

Additionally, this method has other health benefits, such as reducing stress, improving circulation, strengthening the immune system, and preventing premature aging. It also helps relax the mind and body, which can positively influence mood and self-esteem.

How to practice the Japanese method to lose weight through breathing?

To practice the Japanese method of losing weight through breathing, you only need a few minutes a day and a comfortable space where you can stand or sit. The ideal is to do it before or after meals, but you can also do it when you feel tired or stressed.

There are two ways to do this method: one standing and the other sitting. We explain how to do each one below:

- Standing: place one foot in front of the other and support your body weight on your back leg. Raise your arms above your head and bring your hands together. Inhale deeply for three seconds while stretching your spine and neck. Then, exhale forcefully for seven seconds while lowering your arms and contracting your abdominal muscles. Repeat this exercise for two or three minutes.

The Japanese method to lose weight

- Sitting: sit in a chair with your back straight and legs together. Place your hands on your abdomen and close your eyes. Inhale deeply for three seconds while expanding your abdomen. Then, exhale forcefully for seven seconds while contracting your abdomen and pushing your hands inward. Repeat this exercise for two or three minutes.

It is important that you breathe through your nose and not through your mouth, as this prevents dryness of the mucous membranes and filters the air better. It is also recommended that you drink water before and after performing this method, to hydrate the body and facilitate the elimination of waste.

What results can be expected from the Japanese method of losing weight through breathing?

The Japanese method of losing weight through breathing is not a magic solution nor does it replace a balanced diet and regular physical exercise. However, it can be a very useful supplement to accelerate the weight loss process and improve health.

According to Miki, with this method you can lose between half a kilo and one kilo per week, depending on the initial weight and lifestyle of each person. In addition, you can reduce between two and five centimeters from your waist per month, which translates into a better figure and greater confidence.

However, it must be taken into account that the results may vary depending on each person's body and that there are no guarantees that they will be maintained in the long term if a healthy diet and adequate physical activity are not followed.

Therefore, it is best to combine this method with other habits that promote comprehensive well-being, such as eating fruits and vegetables, drinking water, sleeping well, avoiding alcohol and tobacco, meditating, laughing and enjoying life.

If you want to try the Japanese method to lose weight through breathing, we encourage you to do it with consistency and patience. Remember that this is not a miracle, but rather support for your health and beauty. And if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to contact a medical or nutritional professional to guide and advise you.


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