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How to trade successfully using the apple pie technique

Negotiation is an art that requires skill, patience and strategy. 

One of the most effective techniques for reaching mutually beneficial agreements is the apple pie technique, which consists of dividing the problem into smaller parts and looking for creative solutions that satisfy the interests of each one.

How to trade successfully using the apple pie technique
How to trade successfully using the apple pie technique
The apple pie technique is based on the principle that it is easier to portion out a large pie than a small one, and that it is sometimes possible to make the pie larger with additional ingredients. This avoids the traditional win-lose approach, where each party tries to get as much of the pie as possible, and encourages the win-win approach, where each party gets what they need and value.

To apply the apple pie technique, the following steps must be followed:

1. Identify the interests of each party

It is not about what each one wants, but why they want it. Interests are the needs, motivations, concerns, or values ​​that underlie the positions or demands of each party. For example, if two people want an orange, their interests might be getting vitamin C, making juice, or using the peel for cooking.

2. Expand the cake

It is about looking for ways to increase the value of the agreement for both parties, either by creating more options, adding elements or resources, or generating synergies or mutual benefits. For example, if two people want an orange, they can enlarge the pie by buying more oranges, exchanging other fruits, or sharing the orange and its uses.

How to trade successfully using the apple pie technique

3. Divide the cake

It is about dividing the cake in an equitable and proportional way, taking into account the interests and priorities of each party. It's not about dividing the pie equally, but in fair shares. For example, if two people want an orange, they can divide the pie by giving half of the orange to each, or by giving the peel to one and the flesh to another, depending on their interests.

4. Agree on the deal

It is about formalizing the agreement and committing to fulfill it. It is important to review the terms of the agreement, verify that both parties are satisfied, and resolve any questions or inconveniences that may arise. For example, if two people want an orange, they can agree to the deal by signing a contract, shaking hands, or simply agreeing.

The apple pie technique is a useful tool to negotiate successfully in different areas, such as work, family or personal. By applying this technique, an agreement can be reached that satisfies the interests of both parties and that strengthens the relationship between them.


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