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The Japanese method to lose weight through breathing

Did you know that there is a Japanese method of losing weight through breathing? 

It is a technique based on the science of cellular oxygenation, which states that we can burn fat and improve our health just by breathing correctly and consciously. 

In this article we explain what this method consists of, what its benefits are and how you can practice it at home.

The Japanese method to lose weight through breathing
The Japanese method of losing weight through breathing was created by actor and writer Ryosuke Miki, who dubbed it "the long belly diet." According to Miki, this method helped her lose 30 pounds and 5 inches off her waist in just six weeks, without making any other changes to her diet or exercise. The secret is to take a series of deep and prolonged breaths, which activate the metabolism and stimulate the burning of calories.

How does the Japanese method of losing weight through breathing work? 

The idea is that by taking a deep breath, we fill our lungs with oxygen, which is then distributed throughout the body through the blood. Oxygen is essential for cells to perform their vital functions, including oxidizing or breaking down fat molecules that are stored in adipose tissue. By breathing correctly, we increase the amount of oxygen available to the cells, which facilitates the elimination of waste and toxins that accumulate in the body.

Many health benefits

In addition, the Japanese method of losing weight through breathing has other health benefits, such as:

- Improve blood circulation and prevent cardiovascular problems.

- Reduce stress and anxiety, which are factors that favor weight gain.

- Strengthen the abdominal muscles and improve body posture.

- Increase energy and general well-being.

The Japanese method to lose weight through breathing

How to practice the Japanese method of losing weight through breathing? 

The Japanese method of losing weight through breathing is very simple and only requires a few minutes a day. You can do it anytime, anywhere, as long as you are comfortable and relaxed. The steps to follow are those:

- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.

- Place one hand on the chest and the other on the abdomen.

- Inhale slowly through the nose, counting to three, while expanding the abdomen and contracting the chest.

- Exhale strongly through the mouth, counting to seven, while contracting the abdomen and expanding the chest.

- Repeat this breathing cycle for two or three minutes.

It is important that you maintain an upright posture and do not force your breath. You should feel the air go in and out easily, without tension or pain. At first it may be difficult to coordinate the movements of the chest and abdomen, but with practice it will become more natural. You can also vary the duration of the inhalations and exhalations according to your lung capacity.

The Japanese method of losing weight through breathing is a simple but effective technique to improve your health and figure. However, you should not forget that to obtain optimal results you must combine it with a balanced diet and regular physical activity. Remember that there are no miracles or magical solutions, but healthy habits that help you take care of yourself inside and out.


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