Narcissism in social networks
What is narcissism and how does it manifest itself on social media?
Narcissism is a personality trait characterized by excessive self-admiration, a lack of empathy for others, and a constant need for attention and validation.
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Narcissism in social networks |
Social media is an ideal setting for narcissistic people to showcase their achievements, their possessions, their physical appearance, and their lifestyle. Through posts, comments, likes, and followers, narcissistic people seek to gain recognition, admiration, and envy from others. In addition, social networks allow them to compare themselves with others and reaffirm their idealized self-image.
However, excessive and compulsive use of social networks can also have negative consequences for narcissistic people. On the one hand, they can generate an addiction to positive feedback and an emotional dependence on the approval of others. On the other hand, they can cause chronic dissatisfaction, frustration, and low self-esteem when they don't receive the attention they expect or when they face criticism, rejection, or competition.
How can we identify and deal with narcissism on social media?
Some signs that may indicate that a person is narcissistic on social media are:
He publishes very frequently and especially aspects related to his image, his success or his happiness
One of the ways that narcissists seek attention and validation from others is by posting frequently on social media, especially about aspects of their image, success, or happiness. Narcissists want to show an idealized image of themselves, which hides their insecurities and shortcomings.
By posting about their achievements, travels, relationships, or physical appearance, narcissists hope to receive praise, admiration, and envy from their followers, which reinforces their self-esteem and sense of superiority.
Constantly seeks interaction and praise from your contacts, but shows no interest or appreciation for others
A narcissist is a person who has an exaggerated sense of their own importance and a lack of empathy for others. One of the ways that narcissists seek validation and admiration is through social media, where they can create an idealized image of themselves and receive praise and attention from their contacts. However, narcissists don't really care about the people they interact with online, instead using them as a means to feed their ego and self-esteem.
Narcissists show no interest in or appreciation for the feelings, opinions, or needs of others, and may ignore, criticize, or manipulate those who don't give them what they want. Narcissists have a hard time establishing authentic and lasting relationships, as they only focus on themselves and what they can get from others.
He is arrogant, conceited or contemptuous towards those he considers inferior or different from him.
Narcissists often show a distorted image of themselves, exaggerating their achievements, qualities, or abilities. In addition, they tend to belittle, criticize or make fun of those who do not share their opinions, tastes or values, or who are simply different from them.
These attitudes reveal a lack of empathy, respect and tolerance towards others, as well as low self-esteem and a great need for attention and admiration. A narcissist on social media can cause harm to himself and others, so it's important to identify and avoid him.
Reacts with anger, aggression or victimization to any negative comment or constructive criticism.
A narcissist has exaggerated self-esteem and constantly seeks the admiration and validation of others. However, when he receives some negative comment or constructive criticism, he reacts with anger, aggression or victimization, since he perceives this as an attack on his idealized image. The narcissist does not accept his mistakes or his defects, and tries to disqualify or humiliate those who question or contradict him. This attitude prevents you from learning from other people's opinions and improving as a person or professional.
You constantly compare yourself with others and feel superior or inferior depending on the result
The narcissist frequently compares himself to other users, whether it be because of his appearance, his accomplishments, his possessions, or his relationships. Depending on the result of this comparison, the narcissist may feel superior or inferior, which affects their mood and behavior. The narcissist may show arrogance, envy, resentment, or contempt toward those he or she considers better than him or her, and may despise, ignore, or manipulate those he or she considers worse.
The narcissist may also exaggerate their own qualities or successes, or make them up if they don't have them, to impress others and gain their approval. The narcissist on social media has a distorted image of himself and others, and is unable to recognize his flaws or his real emotional needs.
How to deal with narcissists on social media
To deal with narcissism on social media, it's important to keep in mind that it's a personality disorder that requires professional help.
However, some recommendations that we can follow are:
- Do not feed the ego of narcissistic people with excessively flattering or flattering comments.
- Do not enter into discussions or confrontations with them, since they do not usually accept points of view different from yours.
- Do not be influenced by their opinions or attitudes, but maintain their own criteria and a healthy self-esteem.
- Do not imitate or envy their lifestyle, but value what we have and what we are.
- Do not put aside our real personal relationships by dedicating too much time to virtual ones.
Social networks are a useful and fun tool to communicate, inform and entertain ourselves. However, we must use them in moderation and responsibly, without letting them negatively affect our mental health or our social coexistence.
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