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How to prevent nightmares with healthy habits

In this article I share some tips based on healthy habits that can help you prevent nightmares and sleep better.

Nightmares are unpleasant dreams that cause us fear, anxiety or anguish. 

How to prevent nightmares with healthy habits
How to prevent nightmares with healthy habits
Although they are normal and we have all experienced them from time to time, they can affect our quality of life if they become frequent or intense. What can we do to avoid them or reduce their impact? In this article we share some tips based on healthy habits that can help you prevent nightmares and sleep better.

Maintain a regular sleep routine

Going to bed and getting up at the same time every day helps to regulate your biological clock and facilitate rest. Avoid sudden time changes, especially on weekends or when traveling to another time zone.

Take care of your diet

Avoid large, spicy or greasy meals before bed, as they can cause indigestion or reflux and make sleep difficult. Also limit your intake of caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine, which are stimulants and can disrupt your sleep cycle. Opt for light and nutritious foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains or low-fat dairy.

Practice moderate physical exercise

Exercise helps you release tension, improve your mood, and relax your body. However, avoid doing it right before bed, as it can make you too active and make it difficult to sleep. Ideally, exercise in the morning or afternoon, at least three hours before going to bed.

How to prevent nightmares with healthy habits

Create an environment conducive to sleep

Make sure your room is comfortable, quiet, dark, and cool. Avoid noises, lights and distractions that can interrupt your sleep, such as the telephone, television or computer. You can also use items that help you relax, such as soft music, aromatherapy, or a comfortable pillow.

Relax before sleep

Spend a few minutes doing an activity that helps you disconnect from the stress and worries of the day, such as reading a book, meditating, breathing deeply, or stretching. Avoid thinking about problems or situations that cause you anxiety or fear, as they can influence your dreams and cause nightmares.

Face your nightmares

If you have recurring nightmares or nightmares related to trauma or emotional conflict, it is important that you seek professional help to treat the root cause. You can also try to change the ending of your nightmares by imagining a positive or different outcome than what you usually have. This can help you reduce the fear and discomfort your dreams cause you and regain control over your dreams.

If you have a nightmare, you shouldn't stay in bed thinking about it. It is better to get up, drink a glass of water, take a deep breath and try to calm down. Then you can go back to bed and think about something nice or positive.

These habits can help prevent nightmares and improve sleep quality and mental health. However, if the nightmares are very frequent, intense, or interfere with daily functioning, it is recommended to consult a health professional to rule out possible medical or psychological causes.
How to prevent nightmares with healthy habits

Anne's case

An example of how a person managed to end nightmares and how healthy habits helped is the case of Ana, a 35-year-old woman who suffered from night terrors since childhood. Ana was afraid to sleep and would wake up several times at night with a racing heart and cold sweat. Her nightmares were recurrent and caused her anxiety, stress and depression.

Ana decided to seek professional help and went to a psychologist specializing in sleep disorders. The psychologist explained that nightmares are a way of processing negative or traumatic emotions that have not been resolved in waking life. 

He proposed a treatment based on cognitive-behavioral therapy, which consists of identifying and modifying the thoughts and behaviors that cause nightmares.
How to prevent nightmares with healthy habits

In addition, the psychologist recommended that he adopt a series of healthy habits that promote quality sleep and reduce stress. Among other habits already described, he also proposed:

- Perform some relaxation technique, meditation or deep breathing before going to bed.
- Do not watch television programs or read books that may cause fear, anguish or tension before going to bed.
- Write a diary where the feelings, worries and dreams that you have during the day are captured.

Ana followed these guidelines for several months and noticed a great improvement in her sleep and her mood. Her nightmares became less frequent and intense, and when she had them she could recall them and discuss them with the psychologist. Ana she learned to face her fears and resolve her emotional conflicts. Now she sleeps better and feels happier and more confident in herself.


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