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12 useful things that you can learn in less than 1 minute and that will serve you forever

Would you like to acquire new knowledge that will help you improve your daily life, solve problems or even save lives?

Well, you don't need to invest a lot of time or money to achieve it. There are some things that you can learn in less than 1 minute and that will be very useful for the rest of your existence.

12 useful things that you can learn in less than 1 minute
12 useful things that you can learn in less than 1 minute
Here is a list of 12 of them:

1. How to detect an electrical fire

If your house smells fishy for no reason, it may be a sign that there is a short circuit or overheating in an electrical appliance. This can cause a rapidly spreading fire. It is best to unplug the suspected device, turn off the power, and call the fire department if necessary.

2. How to avoid sending emails by mistake

Sometimes, due to haste or distraction, we can press the send button before having finished writing or reviewing an email. This can cause us problems or embarrassment, especially if the recipient is someone important. To prevent this, it is best to leave the recipient field empty until we have finished the message and are sure that we want to send it.

3. How to conserve the mobile battery in an emergency

If you run out of charger or electricity and you need your phone to last as long as possible, there are some tricks you can do to save battery. For example, turn on airplane mode, reduce screen brightness, close apps you don't use, and turn off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS.

4. How to follow an ownerless assistance dog

Assistance dogs are those that help people with disabilities or health problems. If you see one alone and it approaches you, it may be asking for help for its owner, who may be in danger or need medical attention. It is best to follow the dog and see if you can help the person assisting.

12 useful things that you can learn in less than 1 minute

5. How to open a bottle without an opener

If you want to enjoy a bottled drink but don't have an opener handy, don't worry. There are many ways to open a bottle using everyday objects, such as a knife, scissors, a lighter, a key, or even a piece of paper. You just have to carefully pry between the cap and the edge of the bottle until it pops out.

6. How to avoid slipping on rainy days

When it rains, the ground becomes more slippery and we can easily fall if we are not careful. To avoid this, it is best not to walk with your hands in your pockets, since this way we can use them to break the fall or hold on to something. It is also good to wear shoes with non-slip soles and avoid stepping on puddles or smooth surfaces.

7. How to make a homemade compress

If you have your period and run out of pads or tampons, don't panic. You can make a homemade compress using materials you have around the house, such as toilet paper, napkins, handkerchiefs, or cloth. You just have to fold them several times to form a thick pad and place it in your underwear, holding it with adhesive tape or safety pins.

8. How to multiply large numbers mentally

If you want to do quick calculations without using a calculator, there are some tricks you can use to multiply large numbers in your head. For example, if you want to multiply 25 by 16, you can do it like this: 25 x 16 = (25 x 10) + (25 x 6) = 250 + 150 = 400. Another way is to round the numbers to the nearest ten and then adjust the result. For example: 25 x 16 = (30 x 15) - (5 x 15) - (5 x 1) = 450 - 75 - 5 = 370.

9. How to Tie a Slipknot

A sliding knot is one that tightens or loosens as one of its ends is pulled. It is very useful to make bracelets, necklaces, belts or even to catch animals. To do this, you just have to make a loop with a rope and pass one of the ends through the loop, forming another smaller loop. Then, pull the end that you put through the loop to tighten the knot.

12 useful things that you can learn in less than 1 minute

10. How to clean a wound.

If you get a cut or scrape, the first thing you should do is clean the wound to prevent infection. For this, it is best to use water and neutral soap, or saline solution if you have it. Wash the wound carefully, removing any dirt or foreign bodies that may be present. Then, dry it with a clean cloth or gauze pad and apply an antiseptic, such as iodine or rubbing alcohol. Finally, cover the wound with a sterile bandage or dressing and change it every day until it heals.

11. How to peel a hard boiled egg easily.

If you want to peel a hard-boiled egg without sticking to the shell or cracking the white, there are a few tricks you can use. For example, add a little vinegar or baking soda to the cooking water, cool the egg under the tap after cooking it, tap it gently on all sides and blow on one end so that the entire shell comes out.

12. How to make an emergency call from a blocked mobile.

If you need to call the emergency services but you don't have the unlock code for your phone or the touch screen doesn't work, don't worry. Most mobiles have an option to make emergency calls from the lock screen, you just have to press the corresponding button and dial the number you need (112, 911, etc.). You can also use the mobile voice assistant (Siri, Google Assistant, etc.) to ask it to make the call for you.


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