At his funeral, there was no one!

Incredible story, full of lessons. In one village lived a rich man, a butcher and a baker. Every day, the baker would go through each family and give each one the bread. The same thing happened to the butcher who, after having killed his ox, distributed half of the meat to the villagers. As for the rich man, nothing at all. One day the rich man got sick, no one in the village came to visit him. His state of health deteriorated day by day and no one visited him. He eventually succumbed to his illness. He was buried only by members of his family, as the villagers refused to help them because during his lifetime, the rich man had done nothing for them. The day after the rich man's death, neither the butcher nor the baker were still giving anything to the villagers. As the situation is repeated every day and the inhabitants used to receive meat and bread every morning, they went out to complain to the butcher and the baker. The two let them know that it was the rich man who bought the ...