Losing weight

A man with overweight problems calls a company and orders a program to lose 5kg in 5 days. The next day, there is a knock on his door, the man opens it and sees a very pretty girl wearing only running shoes (naked). She introduces herself as a representative of the company and has a sign that says "If you catch me, I'm yours." The girl starts running and the man, without thinking, runs after her... After a few miles, the man gets tired, he can't take it anymore and gives up. The same girl appears the next 4 days and the same thing happens. On the 5th day, the man weighs himself and notices that he has indeed lost 5kg as promised. The next day, the man calls the company again and orders the program to lose 10kg in 5 days. The next day, there is a knock on his door and the most beautiful and sexy woman he has ever seen appears. She is completely naked, wearing only running shoes and a sign that says "If you catch me, I'm yours." The man starts...